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Our Vision
As a loving community, our vision is to nurture each individual in our care, giving them the skills, resilience and hope to succeed and flourish, both academically and spiritually, in God’s ever changing world.
At Selattyn C.E Primary School, we aim to provide opportunities for all children to receive a broad, well rounded PSHE curriculum which supports our whole school ethos. We aim to value and nurture every child in our care and celebrate every child for being their authentic, unique selves. In PSHE, we aim to provide children with the knowledge and skills to:
value different family structures.
create and maintain positive friendships.
develop sage and respectful relationships.
understanding the changes that take place during puberty.
promote good health.
learn to make independent choices and not be influenced by others.
operate safely in a digital world.
The 2014 National Curriculum states that:
‘Personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education is an important and necessary part of all pupils’ education. All schools should teach PSHE, drawing on good practice, and this expectation is outlined in the introduction to the proposed new national curriculum.
PSHE is a non-statutory subject. To allow teachers the flexibility to deliver high-quality PSHE we consider it unnecessary to provide new standardised frameworks or programmes of study. PSHE can encompass many areas of study. Teachers are best placed to understand the needs of their pupils and do not need additional central prescription.
However, while we believe that it is for schools to tailor their local PSHE programme to reflect the needs of their pupils, we expect schools to use their PSHE education programme to equip pupils with a sound understanding of risk and with the knowledge and skills necessary to make safe and informed decisions.
Schools should seek to use PSHE education to build, where appropriate, on the statutory content already outlined in the national curriculum, the basic school curriculum and in statutory guidance on: drug education, financial education, sex and relationship education (SRE) and the importance of physical activity and diet for a healthy lifestyle.’
At Selattyn C.E Primary School, we teach PSHE using Kapow Primary to support. We provide opportunities for students to have a broad understanding of various PSHE topics and in addition to class PSHE lessons, various assemblies are devoted to specific aspects linked to PSHE.
By ensuring that topics are similar across the school supports our whole school approach. Lessons are catered to support and challenge all students through effective differentiation. However, another key aspect of our lessons is for students themselves to develop independence and to enhance confidence, teamwork, discussion and promote self-worth.
By utilising our PSHE curriculum, we have been able to develop the children’s understanding of their own feelings, relationships and emotions and those of their peers. We aim for lessons to provide the children with the opportunities to have open discussions which promote curiosity, independence and a provide a more in depth understanding of the world around them.
British Values
As a Church of England School, Christian Values are embedded at the heart of our community. Each half term we focus on a specific value in Collective Worship, in order to gain a better understanding of how these values impact the way that we live. As a Church of England School, mutual respect is at the heart of our values. Children learn that their behaviours have an effect on their own rights and those of others. All members of the school community treat each other with respect and follow our three school rules: ‘Be kind, be safe, and be respectful’.
As a friendly and welcoming primary school in Selattyn our children learn about British values like respect, tolerance, democracy, liberty and law. We appreciate and celebrate diversity through the teaching of stories, values and celebrations from a variety of faiths and cultures.