Welcome to Selattyn C of E Primary School
On behalf of the staff and governors, I would like to welcome you to Selattyn Church of England Primary School website.
Selattyn School is a small, friendly village school, situated in the Shropshire village of Selattyn near to the Welsh border. The school offers small class sizes, high quality teaching and excellent pastoral care.
At Selattyn School, we are committed to providing a safe, secure and stimulating learning environment in which children will be happy, enjoy learning, and develop positive relationships with others. Our school centres around our vision which focuses on moral, cultural, spiritual, social and physical development of our pupils. This ensures success for all in our happy and caring school family where everyone is treated as an individual. We strive to make our school welcoming, open and friendly with a positive ethos where the views of the children and parents are valued.
We are a fully inclusive school and strive to ensure equality of opportunity for all our pupils. Our aim is that all children are supported to fulfil their potential in all aspects of the curriculum. We believe a close partnership between home and school is central to achieving this and look forward to working with you and your child throughout their time at Selattyn CE Primary School.
This website aims to give you an overview of the school, as well as providing regular updates and information for both parents and pupils.
We hope that you enjoy your visit to the Selattyn C of E website. If you would like further information or would like to come and visit us, please contact our office on 01691 659744 or email: admin@selattyn.shropshire.sch.uk
Paper copies of the information on our website may be requested from the school office.
I look forward to meeting you and your child and to welcoming you to our school.
Mr Ross Shepherd
"A​n Outstanding Christian School"
Selattyn School is a Church of England (controlled) Primary school
The school has a distinct Christian Ethos which runs as a thread throughout our daily school life, our learning and our teaching. It maintains strong links with the local church and clergy. As a C. of E. School however, it is governed in virtually the same way as any other Local Authority primary school.
Two governors represent the Church of England Foundation, but the Church has no other direct involvement in management. ​
We all believe we are part of God’s family and with his care and guidance we can all flourish and grow together.
If you are interested in your child attending Selattyn School,then please call us on 01691 659744