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School Lunch

School Lunches are cooked off site at Woodside School and transported to us for Lunch.


School Lunch Menu - From 3rd June 2024

All pupils in Key stage 1 (reception, Year 1 & Year 2) are entitled to universal free school meals and there is no charge for lunches.

For pupils in Key stage 2 (Year 3, 4, 5 & 6) the cost of lunches is £2.45 per day (Unless your are in receipt of Free School Meals)

All payments for school lunches should be made through ParentPay

This is for all Free School Meals, Universal Free School Meals and Paid for Meals.

Parents must log into ParentPay to book their child’s meal in advance. This means you have control over your child’s meal choices and reduces admin time at the start of the school day. If you pay for your child’s school meals, payment is required to confirm your booking.

You can book up to 4 weeks in advance, if your child is sick on a day that has been already
booked in advance, they will be marked as absent on that day and will not be charged.

The cut-off time for pre-orders is 8am on the day they are having the meal. Children can
order when they arrive at school if needed, but the system works best when all meals are
booked in advance. So please can all parents ensure they book their child’s meal in

If your child has allergies, they have been recorded in the system. This means that you will
only be able to book meals that are suitable for their dietary needs.

Children in receipt of Free School Meals still need to book their meals through ParentPay.​

Please see further information and how to book through ParentPay here

If you are in receipt of certain benefits, Your child may be entitled to Free School Meals in Keystage 2 swell. For further information please see our Free School Meals Information.

Selattyn C.E. Primary School, Glyn Road, Selattyn, Oswestry, SY10 7DH

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