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The attractive stone building of Selattyn C. of E. Primary School sits slightly set back from the road in an elevated position under a steeply pitched red tiled roof with beautiful oak entrance doors.


The original Victorian building houses one main classroom, the library, the learning mentor area, the main office and reception, pupil toilets and cloakroom area and the staffroom. This part of the school has been extensively remodelled and refurbished over the last few years.

The school site continues upwards through garden areas to the playground where there are two recently refurbished demountable classrooms, a large hall, a multi-purpose study room, a new library area and an outdoor classroom. The reception/Year 1 classroom has an outdoor shelter attached, a separate play area for indoor – outdoor learning including a large play house, and various activities to support children with their learning.

The hall is used for collective worship, dinner time, PE activities, drama and dance activities, the teaching of specialist groups, extra curricular activities and out-of-school activities.

The hall is also used by 'Little Badgers', a parent and toddlers group which is run jointly by parents and local clergy. Members from The Mother's Union from St. Mary's Church organise refreshments at these sessions and join in the fun.

Both sites can be hired for community use in the evenings, during school holidays and at weekends.


Selattyn C. of E. Primary School is surrounded by countryside and fields and occupies a very enviable position in a truly beautiful rural area.


There are extensive grounds to the rear of the school which rise above the buildings and afford wonderful 360 degree views. The grounds incorporate a flat, top playing field, a sloping, middle field and areas of bank and coppice planted by the pupils and staff over the past 5 years. There are also areas set aside for wildlife conservation and study, for gardening and growing vegetables and areas of shade.

The large playground is bordered by grassy banks planted with wild and meadow flowers, spring bulbs and trees.


Our unique environment is used throughout all seasons to facilitate our rich and diverse curriculum and as part of our work on learning to care for the natural world around us.

Selattyn C.E. Primary School, Glyn Road, Selattyn, Oswestry, SY10 7DH

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