Home Learning for Class 2
Tasks for Friday 10th March
Y1 - could we continue to practice our subtracting skills? Write a list of subtraction calculations up to 20. In class, we count using rulers to support or practical resources. At home, they can use the same or you could incorporate toys/ sweets etc.
Y2 - could the children continue to practice addition and subtraction skills up to 50. Please see above for ideas.
All - In school, we have been looking at fractions. Can the children have a think about what they could split into fractions? It could be halve of an object (e.g cake/mirror/window) or halve of a quantity (e.g toys/sweets). Feel free to take pictures and send them in next week.
It's a lovely snowy day today! These tasks are for all children.
1. Can the children write down some adjectives to describe the weather?
2. Can the children write sentences to describe the weather?
3. If your child would like another job to do, could they write a short story based around snow! They can introduce characters but we want a snowy theme.
It’s lovely to have snow! Enjoy the outdoors and have fun! Feel free to take some pictures and we can discuss in show and tell towards the end of next week. Stay safe and enjoy! 😊