Home >> Curriculum >> Worship Values
Our worship themes focus on Christian Values, shown below, along with key areas of reflection.
We focus on a new value approximately each term and we use the 'Roots and Fruits' collective worship materials.
Stepping out of your comfort zone
Doing the right thing, not the easy thing
Facing a challenge
Overcoming fear
Encouraging others
Remembering to pray for others
Valuing difference
Valuing others as we would like to be valued
Valuing special places
Valuing different opinions
Running the race of life
Keeping going against all the odds
Doing the right thing
Meeting a personal challenge
Encouraging others to keep going
Telling the whole story
Living without lies
Making the right choices
Searching for the truth
Having the courage to be honest
Wiping the slate clean
Turning over a new leaf
Forgiving others as God has forgiven you
Beginning again
Putting the past behind us
Thanking God for people who help us
Praising God in creation
Remembering to say thank you
Giving thanks even when times are difficult
Counting your blessings
Treating people fairly
Making wise decisions
Seeing God’s love in action
Seeing the whole picture
Keeping God’s rules
Loving others as we love ourselves
Giving sacrificially
Giving cheerfully
Caring for creation
Giving our time
Using our talents to serve
Receiving as well as giving
Giving with no strings attached
Looking at the heart
Living for others
Knowing our friends will support us
Knowing Jesus is with us in stormy seas
Standing on God’s promises
Being trustworthy, not gossiping
Trusting God
Sticking together
Encouraging one another
Supporting one another
Making time for each other
Learning to listen