The National Curriculum sets out the clear full statutory entitlement to learning for all pupils. The core subjects are English, Mathematics and Science. The foundation subjects are Art, Geography, History, Design Technology, ICT, Music and Physical Education. Religious Education is taught in all classes and follows the Shropshire Syllabus. Each child attends a daily act of worship.
Children are taught in 4 mixed age classes with mixed ability settings for all subjects.
At Selattyn, we teach using a variety of approaches and strategies including individual teaching, whole class teaching, group teaching and mixed aged teaching.
Where possible cross curricular links are used to create theme based learning around a particular topic to make learning meaningful, relevant and fun. More focused discrete subject teaching also has a place in our curriculum and the progression of skills in individual subjects is addressed through our whole school planning system.
Current Long Term Plans
National Curriculum for Mathematics
National Curriculum for English
Phonics Program & Reading Scheme
At Selattyn C. of E. Primary school we use a systematic phonics programme called Letters and Sounds using Jolly Phonics alongside a variety of reading schemes, including Oxford Reading Tree and Rigby Star.
Click here for further information
Class Organisation
The school is currently organised into four classes.
CLASS 1 has Reception pupils and by Miss Melanie Ward
CLASS 2 has Year 1 and Year 2 pupils and is taught by Mrs Hilary Betts on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and Mr Michael Smaje on Thursday & Friday
CLASS 3 has Years 3 and Year 4 pupils and is taught by Mrs Sue Hardaker on Monday & Tuesday and Mr Dave Patch on Wednesday, Thursday & Friday.
CLASS 4 has year 5 and year 6 pupils and is taught by Mr Ross Shepherd Monday, Tuesday Morning, Wednesday Morning & Friday: Mr Michael Smaje on Wednesday afternoons and Mrs Sue Hardacre on Thursdays.
Various intervention and challenge sessions are put in place for individuals and groups of pupils where a need is identified and are run both during the school day and after school. These intervention sessions are paramount to some pupils’ individual learning journeys and offer the pupils a chance to consolidate, catch – up on and extend their class work. The sessions also promote inclusion, improving self confidence and self esteem and a chance for pupils to question in a more personal environment. To date the sessions have made a tremendous impact upon the pupils’ attainment, progress and enjoyment of learning.
Class arrangements are reviewed annually.
Religious Education and Collective Worship
As a church school, we have a strong Christian ethos which runs through our everyday school life. All members of our school community have a strong commitment to upholding Christian values and to helping others to learn within a caring Christian environment.
An act of collective worship takes place in school on a daily basis and includes Anglican worship, praise and celebration, pupil led service, prayer and response and visiting clergy and other visitors.
The school has a very close relationship with the local church, St Mary's, and regularly leads special services for parents and the community based around the Christian calendar including Harvest, Christmas, Easter and Mothering Sunday.
Prayer is an important element in our school life, including formal and extempore prayer at collective worship, meal times and at the end of the school day. Quiet reflective times are part of worship so each pupil may think about important issues and be calm and still in the midst of their busy lives.
Religious Education is taught in accordance with the Shropshire Agreed Syllabus, which gives a mainly Christian emphasis while informing children about other world religions. As a school we encourage a positive understanding of the faiths taught in Britain today.
Parents have the right to withdraw their children from any or all of
the religious activities undertaken in Selattyn C. E. School.
Sex Education
At Selattyn C.E. Primary School, Sex Education is taught in the context of respect, relationships and responsibility within the Christian Ethos. It is taught alongside Personal, Social and Health Education and crosses over with National Curriculum Science Orders.
A sympathetic and sensitive scheme of work is delivered throughout the school designed to help the children make sense of the world around them, understand life processes and uphold Christian values. In the early years, pupils learn about more general aspects of the natural world around them leading up to more specific human reproduction content for pupils in year six.
If you would like to discuss this more fully, please contact the Headteacher.
Special Educational Needs
The teaching staff at Selattyn C.E. Primary School provide a suitably differentiated curriculum for all children in their care. Support and specialised resources are co-ordinated by one staff member and where appropriate, in consultation with parents, other approaches are taken to provide the best opportunities for individual children's educational development. Parent and school consultation and partnership are essential for the successful support of children with identified Special Educational Needs.
Please see our school's Special Educational Needs Policy. A printed copy is available on request.
The school is accessible to pupils with disabilities within the buildings sited on our upper level. There are disabled toilet facilities within these buildings.
All pupils are actively encouraged to integrate into all aspects of school life and we believe Selattyn C.E. Primary School is a truly inclusive educational setting.​
Able Pupils
At Selattyn School we believe all children to have particular gifts and talents. We aim to provide opportunities for all children to achieve their full potential. Additional support and opportunities are organised to challenge the needs of pupils who are able to access their learning at a higher level.